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Can I Use - Adapter Capabilities

Preset Wallets

These preset wallets will be displayed as Popular on our kit modal by default.

If you are a wallet developer and want to list your wallet below, feel free to contact our team 🥳 Twitter@suiet_wallet

For Dapp Developers

Can I Use with xxx Wallet?

Due to the adapter difference of each wallet, we present a function comparison table among wallet adapters.


Due to the presense of new @mysten/wallet-standard (v0.5.0), we are working on updating the statistics. Please stay tuned 🥳


Remember to handle exceptional cases if some wallet adapters do not support certain features.

For Wallet Developers

How to integrate with Suiet Kit?

Please make sure your wallet supports the @mysten/wallet-standard v0.5.0 and above.

Specifically, in order to be auto-detected and recognized as a standard wallet on Sui by our kit, you need to implement the following features in your wallet adapter:

// a valid wallet adapter should have the following features
// ...
features: {
"standard:connect": () => {},
"standard:events": () => {},
"sui:signAndExecuteTransactionBlock": () => {},

How to list my wallet on Suiet Kit?

You can contact our team via Twitter@suiet_wallet to list your wallet on Suiet Kit.

Or submit a PR to our repo, modify the following files:

// packages/kit/src/wallet/preset-wallets/presets.ts
export enum PresetWallet {
// ... resgisted wallet enum
// note that this name should match with your wallet adapter's name
// for auto detection and display purposes
YOUR_WALLET = "Your Wallet",

export const YourWallet = defineWallet({
name: PresetWallet.YOUR_WALLET,
iconUrl: 'base64 encoded image (recommended, optimize the size!!) / external url',
downloadUrl: {
browserExtension: 'chrome extension installation url',
// packages/kit/src/wallet/preset-wallets/index.ts
export const AllDefaultWallets = [
// ... registed wallets
].sort((a, b) => < ? -1 : 1),